The Benefits of Architecture Visualisation for Design

Architectural visualisations offer those in the architecture, engineering, construction, interior design, landscape and real estate industries the opportunity to plan out and showcase their projects in great detail before building commences. 3D visualisations are becoming more commonplace for architectural and design projects thanks to their benefits and advances in technology.

architecture visualisationImage from vStream’s VR Visualisation Experiences

Enhances Communication with Clients

3D renderings can add extra life to design concepts that clients otherwise might have trouble visualising. Renders can take away some of the apprehension felt by customers during the early stages of design and lead to a higher number of sales. Any design flaws that might have been overlooked during the original design process are also easier to identify through the use of visualisations. The photo-realistic visuals supply an endless combination of design choices for your clients, such as; furnishings, textures, layout plans, colours and lighting options.

The costs of producing 3D renderings has dropped in recent years, leading to an upturn in their use. Although it can still cost a few thousand for a high-quality 3D building animation; this extra expenditure in the marketing phases can be the difference between landing a huge client contract or not. The cost-benefit ratio of architecture visualisations now means that they are an essential tool in any designer’s arsenal.  

Virtual Reality

The creation of virtual reality tours from visualisations can be a great time saver for designers and real-estate agents. More often than ever before; distance has become less of a factor for people looking to invest in property. VR can eliminate the need for in-person meetings and hectic travel schedules. Potential investors can now get a feel for a property by exploring a virtual space scaled to the real life specifications and can have it laid out with customisable design features. VR works excellently as a marketing tool for letting clients immerse themselves within your designs. Visualisations give clients the ability to explore more than one design option and choose the features they like best in a way that is unmatched by other mediums.

This format of communication is quick and easy to share with clients. A link of a 360 degree VR video can be sent to the client and they can instantly begin viewing the design from anywhere in the world with a VR enabled device.

Better Design Control & Efficiency

Architecture visualisations can assist designers in nearly every stage of the building process. From the designing itself, to the application for planning permissions as well as marketing activities and the final stages of making a sale. Any changes that need to be made to the original designs, big or small, are easier to make once you have a 3D rendered model. A huge benefit that 3D renderings can have for construction companies and architects is aiding in the securing of investment and finance. Completed architecture visualisations of your planned projects are the best way of displaying your design concepts and proving the feasibility of a proposed build.