How Businesses use 360 Virtual Tours

Virtual tours work best where a standard image or video doesn’t quite capture the ambience or scale of a location. For this reason, 360 virtual tours are popular for tourist…

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Using Virtual Reality to Treat PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is triggered when someone experiences or witnesses a distressing event. Virtual reality therapy...

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Marketing & Customer Innovation EU Summit 2019

vStream Health is proud is announced our sponsorship and participation in the 9th annual Marketing and Customer Innovation Europe Summit. vStream Health, part of the vStream…

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Johnson & Johnson aims to make VR training available to every surgeon

The Johnson & Johnson Institute said that training surgeons using Oculus virtual reality headsets has yielded such impressive results that it now wants to bring VR to…

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vStream @ Women in Tech Dublin 2019

Women in Tech Dublin 2019 will take place on 12-13 September at the Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland. Representing vStream will be Sabina Bonnici...

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Augmented reality glasses can help people with low vision

Augmented reality (AR) may help people with low vision better navigate their environment. AR works by displaying digital content over the real-world view...

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Medical Animation: Helping us understand ourselves

A medical animation is a short video showing a biological, physiological or surgical topic that is rendered using computer-generated 3D graphics. They are most commonly used as an…

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VR For Workplace Mental Health

In vStream's article for The Sunday Business Post. Niall O'Driscoll discusses how workplaces will increasingly use virtual reality to help with employee wellbeing and training.

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How Hotels use 360 VR Video to Increase Bookings

How the hospitality industry has been using 360 VR video tours to boost direct bookings and online engagement...

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Conjoined Twins Separated with the Help of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality was used to exact a replica of the twins’ anatomies. This helped the doctors to practise the surgery before the first cut was made and visualise

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